St. Paul Academy and Summit School
(see full profile)

EIN: 41-0943433

St. Paul, MN 55105-2451


Total Grants to St. Paul Academy and Summit School
Total $ Granted: $ 10,923,053
For Years: 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003
# Grants: 85

Grants to St. Paul Academy and Summit School

Click date for grant details.

Date Amount Purpose Funder
1/1/2022 22,485 GENERAL SUPPORT American Online Giving Foundation Inc
1/1/2022 157,178 For grant recipient's exempt purposes Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2022 31,500 EDUCATION National Philanthropic Trust
1/1/2022 21,500 FOR RECIPIENT'S EXEMPT PURPOSE Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
1/1/2022 23,700 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2022 342,565 MULTIPLE GRANTS FOR MULTIPLE PURPOSES Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2022 10,000 For general operating support McKnight Foundation
1/1/2022 9,411 UNRESTRICTED Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2022 25,896 DONOR-RECOMMENDED, EDUCATION Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2021 16,605 GENERAL SUPPORT American Online Giving Foundation Inc
1/1/2021 110,653 Donor-recommended, education Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2021 215,415 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2021 13,106 Unrestricted Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2021 8,000 for general operating support McKnight Foundation
1/1/2021 26,750 EDUCATION National Philanthropic Trust
1/1/2021 58,350 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2021 33,500 For recipient's exempt purpose Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
1/1/2021 138,510 For grant recipient's exempt purposes Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2020 75,000 FOR RECIPIENT'S EXEMPT PURPOSE Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program
1/1/2020 64,871 General operating support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2020 224,409 Multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2020 21,223 GENERAL SUPPORT American Online Giving Foundation Inc
1/1/2020 6,440 Unrestricted Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2020 10,000 For general operating support McKnight Foundation
1/1/2020 150,360 For grant recipient's exempt purposes Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2020 73,950 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2019 11,539 UNRESTRICTED Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2019 7,000 For general operating or capital support McKnight Foundation
1/1/2019 10,000 GENERAL SUPPORT Catholic Community Foundation Of Minnesota
1/1/2019 15,728 GENERAL SUPPORT American Online Giving Foundation Inc
1/1/2019 18,500 EDUCATION National Philanthropic Trust
1/1/2019 192,900 For grant recipient's exempt purposes Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2019 52,650 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2019 402,342 Annual support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2019 1,250,103 Multiple grants Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2018 2,500 Gift matching General Mills Foundation
1/1/2018 663,854 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2018 5,000 General operating support McKnight Foundation
1/1/2018 217,960 For grant recipient's exempt purposes Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2018 29,416 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2017 119,771 Support of the math/science center Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2017 2,500 Gift matching General Mills Foundation
1/1/2017 87,460 FOR GRANT RECIPIENT'S EXEMPT PURPOSES Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2017 52,750 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2017 854,909 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2017 15,000 $5,000 FOR THE BILL BOULGER TEACHING EXCELLENCE PROJECT & $5,000 TO ACADEMIC SUPPORT Catholic Community Foundation Of Minnesota
1/1/2016 11,150 Education Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2016 35,500 For grant recipient's exempt purposes Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2016 109,350 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2016 133,287 A contribution of support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2015 82,978 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2015 71,318 General operating support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2015 5,650 Education Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2014 207,051 Annual fund for general operating support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2014 2,127,920 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2014 10,600 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2013 58,390 General operating support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2013 35,230 unrestricted Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2013 324,225 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2012 1,024,323 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2012 20,308 General operating support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2012 40,646 unrestricted Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2012 31,200 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2011 42,335 unrestricted Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2011 19,911 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2011 20,797 General operating support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2010 52,558 Capital support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2010 20,368 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2010 150 General operating support Curtis L Carlson Family Foundation
1/1/2010 40,491 unrestricted Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2009 19,116 General support and various projects Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2009 150 General operating support Curtis L Carlson Family Foundation
1/1/2009 18,331 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2008 117,091 General support and various projects Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2008 19,183 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2008 150 Match Curtis L Carlson Family Foundation
1/1/2008 100 Match Curtis L Carlson Family Foundation
1/1/2007 100 Match Curtis L Carlson Family Foundation
1/1/2006 200 Match Curtis L Carlson Family Foundation
1/1/2005 150 Matching contribution Curtis L Carlson Family Foundation
1/1/2005 150 Matching contribution Curtis L Carlson Family Foundation
1/1/2005 100 Matching contribution Curtis L Carlson Family Foundation
1/1/2004 100 Match Curtis L Carlson Family Foundation
1/1/2003 100 Matching contribution Curtis L Carlson Family Foundation

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