SEARCH TERM: Minnesota Meeting

Original Research

What Conor Williams didn't see in Minneapolis


Found 7 grants containing the phrase "Minnesota Meeting"
For a total of $288,900


Date Amount Purpose Recipient Funder
1/1/2013 15,000 Education - To support RESET Education Campaign and Minnesota Meeting series in 2013 Minneapolis Foundation [Education] Bush Foundation
1/1/2013 7,500 to support the RESET education campaign's Minnesota Meeting Minneapolis Foundation [Education] McKnight Foundation
1/1/2012 60,000 Education Transformation Initiative (ETI), Minnesota Meeting - Let's RESET Education in Minnesota/Education Challenge Fund and Operating Support for the Northside Funders Group (NFG) Minneapolis Foundation [Education] General Mills Foundation
1/1/2011 100,000 2011-2012 season of Minnesota Meeting Minneapolis Foundation [Education] Ciresi Walburn Foundation For Children
1/1/2010 20,000 The Minnesota Meeting gubernatorial debate Minneapolis Foundation [Education] Ciresi Walburn Foundation For Children
1/1/2009 11,400 Minnesota Meeting 6 Minneapolis Foundation [Education] Ciresi Walburn Foundation For Children
1/1/2008 75,000 2008-09 Minnesota Meeting series Minneapolis Foundation [Education] Ciresi Walburn Foundation For Children


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Funders – search for organizations or individuals that are funding grants
People – search for people who benefit from grant funds or who play a role at a Recipient or Funder