Prodeo Academy
(see full profile)

EIN: 80-0743744

Columbia Heights, MN 55421


Opened in Fall 2013


Total Grants to Prodeo Academy
Total $ Granted: $ 8,410,428
For Years: 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012
# Grants: 80

Grants to Prodeo Academy

Click date for grant details.

Date Amount Purpose Funder
1/1/2023 55,833 NONE Sauer Family Foundation
1/1/2023 31,517 UNRESTRICTED Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2023 77,500 MULTIPLE GRANTS FOR PROGRAMS, OPERATIONS, OR OTHER PURPOSES Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2023 4,100,000 GENERAL WEM Foundation [Whitney MacMillan]
1/1/2022 20,360 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2022 25,000 The Prodeo alumni collective Carolyn Foundation
1/1/2022 70,000 MULTIPLE GRANTS FOR MULTIPLE PURPOSES Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2022 100,000 GENERAL WEM Foundation [Whitney MacMillan]
1/1/2022 20,000 DONOR-RECOMMENDED, EDUCATION Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2022 18,443 UNRESTRICTED Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2022 75,000 PROVIDE INDIVIDUALIZED INSTRUCTION FOR EVERY CHILD Ciresi Walburn Foundation For Children
1/1/2022 36,150 Scholarship Think Small
1/1/2022 83,750 NONE Sauer Family Foundation
1/1/2022 13,500 For grant recipient's exempt purposes Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2022 7,246 CHARITABLE DONATION Charities Aid Foundation America
1/1/2021 100,000 Fiscal year 2022 investment Great MN Schools
1/1/2021 20,000 For grant recipient's exempt purposes Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2021 76,000 Provide individualized instruction for every child Ciresi Walburn Foundation For Children
1/1/2021 20,250 Donor-recommended, education Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2021 11,329 Unrestricted Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2021 20,360 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2021 75,000 General WEM Foundation [Whitney MacMillan]
1/1/2020 20,278 Unrestricted Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2020 130,000 Multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2020 20,100 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2020 40,000 General operating support Frey Foundation
1/1/2020 100,000 General WEM Foundation [Whitney MacMillan]
1/1/2020 75,000 Provide individualized instruction for every child Ciresi Walburn Foundation For Children
1/1/2020 105,000 Fiscal year 2021 investment Great MN Schools
1/1/2020 20,250 General operating support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2019 11,500 For grant recipient's exempt purposes Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2019 8,815 UNRESTRICTED Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2019 15,000 COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL Smikis Foundation
1/1/2019 24,390 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2019 50,000 School network expansion support Douglass Brandenborg Family Foundation
1/1/2019 220,000 Fiscal year 2020 investment Great MN Schools
1/1/2019 60,000 General operating support WEM Foundation [Whitney MacMillan]
1/1/2019 25,000 General operating support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2018 22,500 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2018 5,000 GROWTH National Christian Charitable Foundation Inc
1/1/2018 15,000 COLLEGE PREPARATORY SCHOOL Smikis Foundation
1/1/2018 23,750 For grant recipient's exempt purposes Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2018 25,000 2017 volunteer coordinator gran (sic) John & Denise Graves Foundation
1/1/2018 9,075 UNRESTRICTED Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2018 56,100 IN RECOGNITION OF POWER UP PRODEO 05/03/18 Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2018 30,000 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2018 60,000 General operating support WEM Foundation [Whitney MacMillan]
1/1/2017 83,500 Closing the Achievement Gap - Prodeo Academy - 349245 Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2017 50,000 Closing the achievement gap in north Minneapolis Ciresi Walburn Foundation For Children
1/1/2017 40,000 Expansion of K-5 and additional K-5 school Douglass Brandenborg Family Foundation
1/1/2017 50,000 General operating support WEM Foundation [Whitney MacMillan]
1/1/2017 21,000 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2017 25,000 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Saint Paul & Minnesota Foundation
1/1/2017 9,075 UNRESTRICTED Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2017 100,000 FISCAL YEAR 2018 INVESTMENT Great MN Schools
1/1/2017 100,000 Multiple grants for multiple purposes Minnesota Community Foundation
1/1/2016 15,000 2016 General operations grant John & Denise Graves Foundation
1/1/2016 83,500 Growth and expansion of Prodeo Acad Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2016 9,000 For grant recipient's exempt purposes Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift Fund
1/1/2016 5,000 College preparatory school Smikis Foundation
1/1/2016 100,000 Fiscal year 2017 investment Great MN Schools
1/1/2016 50,000 Unrestricted WEM Foundation [Whitney MacMillan]
1/1/2016 75,000 Growth and expansion of Prodeo Academy Ciresi Walburn Foundation For Children
1/1/2016 27,500 Education Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2015 95,250 General operating support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2015 30,000 General operating support John & Denise Graves Foundation
1/1/2015 25,300 Education Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2015 22,500 College preparatory school Smikis Foundation
1/1/2015 175,000 Growth Investment Grant Great MN Schools
1/1/2015 50,000 unrestricted WEM Foundation [Whitney MacMillan]
1/1/2014 20,000 EDUCATION Schwab Charitable Fund
1/1/2014 10,000 General & unrestricted Soran Foundation
1/1/2014 10,000 College preparatory school Smikis Foundation
1/1/2014 8,327 unrestricted Mightycause Charitable Foundation
1/1/2014 57,500 General operating support Minneapolis Foundation
1/1/2013 15,000 Professional Development for Student Academic Achievement General Mills Foundation
1/1/2012 15,000 Operating support which includes Partnership with La Crech Child Development Center General Mills Foundation
1/1/2012 250,000 Education [ Charter School Startup - opened in Fall 2013] Walton Family Foundation

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