View all recipients, recipients of a particular letter, or recipients that are charter schools by clicking the corresponding link below. Charters returned in alphabetical order by clicking CHARTERS A-Z; returned in descending order by total received by clicking CHARTERS $$$.

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Total recipients: 69
Total $$$ received: $ 136,461,738

Recipient name Charter Private Public Media Closed? $
Mahtomedi Area Educational Foundation 416,869
Maple Grove Senior High Theatre Boosters PUB 1,000
Marin Primary and Middle School PRIV 47,500
Marshall School PRIV 230,675
Martin Luther High School PRIV 35,936
Mastery School CSP WALTON CHAR CLOSED 1,614,000
Maternity of Mary Catholic School PRIV 304,340
Math and Science Academy CSP CHAR 137,001
Mayer Lutheran High School PRIV 78,844
Metro Deaf School CHAR 89,662
Metro Tech Academy [Dunwoody Academy ] WALTON CHAR CLOSED 510,000
Midway Star Academy - nee Dugsi Academy WALTON CHAR 110,000
Migizi Communications 4,222,404
Mille Lacs Band of Ojibwe 179,352
Minisinaakwaang Leadership Academy PRIV 4,359,829
MinnCAN ERC CLOSED 4,155,592
Minneapolis Academy CSP WALTON CHAR CLOSED 363,999
Minneapolis College Preparatory School CSP WALTON CHAR CLOSED 811,827
Minneapolis Foundation [Education] 10,685,006
Minneapolis Jewish Day School PRIV 1,869,695
Minneapolis Public Schools Foundation PUB 18,790
Minneapolis Theodore Roosevelt Foundation PUB 118,619
Minneapolis Youth Coordinating Board 50,000
Minnehaha Academies PRIV 8,352,933
Minnesota Academy of Technology CHAR CLOSED 70,018
Minnesota Association of Charter School Authorizers 125,000
Minnesota Association of Charter Schools 938,777
Minnesota Association of Colleges for Teacher Education 500,000
Minnesota Business Academy WALTON CHAR CLOSED 250,000
Minnesota Business Partnership Education Foundation 115,500
Minnesota Chamber Foundation 387,500
Minnesota Comeback ERC CLOSED 11,139,019
Minnesota Community Foundation CLOSED 5,692,609
Minnesota Dream Fund 100,000
Minnesota Early Learning Foundation 750,000
Minnesota Education Equity Partnership 4,798,421
Minnesota Guild of Public Charter Schools 5,000
Minnesota Head Start Association, Inc. 60,000
Minnesota Humanities Center 355,800
Minnesota Independent School Forum 941,006
Minnesota Indian Education Association 10,000
Minnesota Internship Center CHAR 9,941
Minnesota Leadership Academy [Minnesota Leadership High School] 40,000
Minnesota Learner Centered Network CHAR 150,000
Minnesota New Country School CHAR 4,200
Minnesota Online High School CHAR 105,000
Minnesota Parent Union ERC 1,414,340
Minnesota Parents Alliance 60,000
Minnesota Public Radio MEDIA 48,783,291
Minnesota School of Science WALTON CHAR CLOSED 250,000
Minnesota State University Moorhead Alumni Foundation, Inc. 150,000
Minnesota State University, Mankato 5,580,500
Minnesota State University, Moorhead 151,669
Minnesota Transitions Charter School CHAR 585,000
Minnesota Waldorf School PRIV 233,670
Minnesota Wildflower Montessori School CHAR 588,500
Minnetonka Public Schools PUB 1,000
Minnetonka Public Schools Foundation 122,379
MinnPost MEDIA 5,111,782
Mn Zej Zog 205,000
Modern Classrooms Project 860,000
Monarch Montessori School 73,700
Monroe Elementary School 10,000
Montessori American Indian Childcare Center 255,000
Montessori Training Center of Minnesota, Inc. 4,716,321
Morning Glory Montessori PRIV 25,000
Most Holy Redeemer Catholic School PRIV 140,340
Mounds Park Academy PRIV 1,822,582
MTS Pease Academy 10,000


Proficiency rates

View proficiency rates for charter schools' test scores here.

Charter school segregation

View charter schools supported by the funders, ordered by largest demographic group here.

Enrollment by city (charters in DB)

See how many students, in aggregate, attend charter schools supported by the funders catalogued on this website, sorted by city.

Enrollment by city (all charters)

See how many students, in aggregate, attend charter schools in the state, sorted by city.

WFF Startups

The Walton Family Foundation has given more than $16 million to charter schools in Minnesota, contributing to 96 separate schools and helping start 70 of them - 29% of all charters EVER opened in the state. Read an anlysis of WFF giving to charter schools in Minnesota.

About the Data

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